The Third Legislative District Democrats post its own events, along with events from Spokane County Democrats.
The Third Legislative District Democrats provide accessible/inclusive events that enable individuals with disabilities to fully engage in our events and processes. Requests for reasonable accommodations may be made in advance of a meeting by email to or by telephone to the Chair.
During a Zoom meeting, requests for reasonable accommodations may be made by the “raise the hand” feature in the Zoom software, or by text (or by phone) to the designated phone number provided by the Chair.
March 26, 2016
Guide to the Caucuses in Spokane County (warning - 6 MB .pdf)
The 2016 Democratic presidential caucuses in Washington are on Saturday, March 26, 2016. At the presidential precinct-level caucuses, each precinct chooses delegates and alternates to participate in the next level of the caucus process (which will be held on Sunday, April 17, 2016). At the end of the multi-level caucus process, delegates will be chosen to represent Washington in selecting the party's nominee for president at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.
Start time of the statewide presidential precinct-level caucuses is 10:00 am.
If you are a registered voter you may pre-register for the March 26 caucuses (and find your caucus location) at the State Party's website. Not yet a registered voter? Register to vote online at the Secretary of State's website. Age 17 (and you'll be 18 by the General Election on November 8, 2016)? No need to register to vote, just show up at the caucuses on March 26.
Third LD presidential precinct-level caucus locations are as follows:
Plan to arrive at your caucus location no earlier than 9:30 am --- and, if possible, know your precinct number --- as it will permit you to go directly to your precinct's table inside without waiting in any line. Bring a pen to help you fill out the paperwork to sign in at your precinct caucus --- or pre-register online at the State Party website.
Can't participate on March 26th due to religious observance, military service, disability, illness or work schedule? Submit a "Surrogate Affidavit" form to the Washington State Democratic Party so that it is received by March 18, 2016 at 5:00 pm in the State Party's office in Seattle.
Share the the Third LD presidential precinct-level caucus information via Facebook:
Delegates and alternates elected at the precinct-level caucuses on March 26 are expected to attend the 3rd LD Caucus on Sunday, April 17 at 1:00 pm. Delegates and alternates elected at the precinct-level caucuses on March 26 will also represent their precincts at the Spokane County Convention on Sunday, May 1.
"This is not a Spokane Public School District sanctioned or sponsored event."