Endorsed Candidates, Initiatives & Ballot Measures


2024 endorsements


At a meeting of Precinct Committee Officers held on May 11, 2024, The Third Legislative District Democrats endorsed the following candidates for elected office:

Judicial races, initiatives, and ballot measures will be considered at a future meeting.


Endorsements by The Third Legislative District Democrats are not exclusive, meaning that multiple candidates for the same position may be endorsed or certified. Endorsements must be requested by a candidate. Requests for endorsement may be sent to the Chair.

Endorsement (or certification, as the case may be) by us permits candidates for office to receive access to resources available from the Washington State Democratic Central Committee (Washington State Democrats) and also serves as an indicator in partisan races that the candidate is in fact a Democrat (candidates in partisan races express a "preference" for a political party but voters do not register by party in Washington state). The "top two" candidates from the August 2024 primary election vie for election in the November 2024 general election.

Please visit the webpage for Spokane County Democrats to view their endorsements.