The Third Legislative District Democrats post its own events, along with events from Spokane County Democrats.
The Third Legislative District Democrats provide accessible/inclusive events that enable individuals with disabilities to fully engage in our events and processes. Requests for reasonable accommodations may be made in advance of a meeting by email to or by telephone to the Chair.
During a Zoom meeting, requests for reasonable accommodations may be made by the “raise the hand” feature in the Zoom software, or by text (or by phone) to the designated phone number provided by the Chair.
October 8, 2022
Democratic Precinct Committee Officers in the 3rd Legislative District will meet at 10:00 am to transact such business as shown on the Agenda and properly brought before the body. The meeting agenda includes the consideration of a proposed bylaws change as well as endorsement activity.
This is the third of four quarterly meetings scheduled for 2022.
The agenda for the meeting has been sent to elected and appointed precinct committee officers in the 3rd Legislative District in the Call letter.
The proposed change to the Bylaws involves permitting the organization to meet virtually (via Zoom) after the Governor's declaration of a COVID emergency ends on October 31, 2022. Documents to be reviewed at the meeting include:
This will be a virtual meeting on Zoom. Attendence in the Zoom room is limited to elected and appointed Precinct Committee Officers (and candidates being considered for endorsement, at the appropriate point in time during the meeting.)
Others may watch the meeting on the LD's YouTube Channel.