
What You Need to Know for the 5th Congressional District Caucus

May 8, 2016

The 128 delegates and 64 alternates elected at the Legislative District Caucuses on April 17 and the County Conventions on May 1 in the 5th Congressional District are expected to attend the 5th Congressional District Caucus, to be held on Saturday, May 21 at 1:00 pm at Logan Elementary School in Spokane. At the caucus, five delegates will be chosen to attend the Democratic National Convention and one Elector (and an Alternate Elector) to the Electoral College will be chosen.


Location and Directions

The school is located at 1001 E Montgomery Ave, just east of Hamilton Street. For those traveling from other counties to the caucus, directions are as follows:

From the North: Take Division Street south to Montgomery Avenue. Turn east (left) onto Montgomery and continue until it crosses Hamilton Street. The school will be on the left.

From the West: From Interstate 90, take the Hamilton Street exit and travel north approximately 1.4 miles from the traffic light at Trent/Spokane Falls Blvd. At Montgomery (just north of Illinois Ave), turn east (right). The school will be on your left.

From the South: Take 195 (or other major roads) to Interstate 90 East. From Interstate 90, take the Hamilton Street exit and travel north approximately 1.4 miles from the traffic light at Trent/Spokane Falls Blvd. At Montgomery (just north of Illinois Ave), turn east (right). The school will be on your left.


Suggested Arrival Times and Delegate/Alternate Registration Windows

All individuals are encouraged to carpool if possible as parking at the school is limited. Please allow sufficient time to find street parking (which is plentiful). Spokane Transit Authority also provides public transportation to within one block of the caucus site.



The caucus will be called to order at 1:00 pm by the Permanent Chair in the Multi-Purpose Room.


Tips and Advice

There are a significant number of candidates for delegate to the national convention. Each candidate for national delegate will be allowed up to one minute (strictly timed) for nominating, seconding, and/or a candidate speech (at the candidate's discretion).

It is likely that the Clinton sub-caucus will finish its work well before before the Sanders sub-caucus finishes its delegate selection process.

Sanders delegates and candidates for national delegate for Sanders should anticipate a long day. The school has been booked until 7:00 pm.