Delegates and Alternates Chosen for State Party Convention
March 24, 2018
Democrats in the 3rd Legislative District caucused on Saturday, March 24, 2018 and elected seven delegates and two alternates to represent them at the June 2018 Washington State Democratic Convention in Wenatchee.
The Washington State Democratic Convention is the highest authority of the Democratic Party of the State of Washington and adopts a state party platform and sets broad policy. It meets every two years.
Elected as delegates to the state convention (in alphabetical order):
- Jac Archer (resident of precinct 3204 and Vice Chair, Spokane County Democrats),
- Donovan Arnold (PCO for precinct 3216 and Chair, Washington State Democrats Stonewall Caucus),
- Karen Blaine (PCO for precinct 3303),
- Makena Friend (resident of precinct 3329),
- Erin Georgen (resident of precinct 3125 and Secretary, 3rd LD Democrats),
- Dan Pederson (PCO for precinct 3310), and
- Tabitha Wolf (PCO for precinct 3123 and Vice Chair, 3rd LD Democrats).
Elected as alternates to the state convention:
- Alternate #1: Ann Shea (resident of precinct 3303), and
- Alternate #2: Jaymie Lisa Horowitz (PCO for precinct 3323).
Other residents of the 3rd LD who are automatic delegates at the Washington State Democratic Convention include:
- David Green (Chair, 3rd LD Democrats),
- Joanne Fleming (Committeewoman, 3rd LD Democrats),
- Michael Kirk (Committeeman, 3rd LD Democrats),
- Mary Winkes (Committeewoman, Spokane County Democrats),
- Ed Duhaime (Committeeman, Spokane County Democrats),
- State Senator Andy Billig (3rd LD),
- State Representative Timm Ormsby (3rd LD), and
- State Representative Marcus Riccelli (3rd LD).